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任杨 教授






科研方面:在Appl. Phys.Lett.Phys. Rev. BNew J. Phys.SCI收录刊物发表学术论文50余篇,主持并结题多个国家自然科学基金和省部级基金。





  1. 云南省高层次人才计划青年人才后续培养基金、90万、2020/01-2024/12、在研、主持

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,超短磁脉冲对软磁纳米线畴壁运动调控的研究、60万、2018/01-2021/12、在研、主持

  3. 横向基金,聚焦磁光克尔效应仪的开发,20万、2017/03-2017/12、结题、主持

  4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,垂直磁各向异性(Co/Pd)n纳米单元阵列磁弛豫特性研究、25万、2013/01-2015/12、结题、主持


  5. 教育部留学回国人员启动基金,非对称Ni80Fe20纳米环畴壁运动的调控和研究,2011/01-2012/12、结题、主持

  6. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金自由探索面上项目,Co/Pd多层膜纳米阵列的超快退磁机制的研究,2011/01-2012/12、结题、主持



  1. Ren Y., Zhao H., Zhang Z. Z. *, and Jin Q. Y., Ultrafast optical modulation of exchangecoupling in FePt/CoFe composite structure , Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 162513 (2008).

  2. Jain S., Ren Y., Adeyeye A. O.*,Configurational anisotropy andcontrol of magnetic vortex chirality in arrays of circular Ni80Fe20nanoscale dots, Phys. Rev. B 80, 132401-132404 (2009).

  3. Ren Y., Jain S., Adeyeye A. O. *, and Ross C.A.,Magnetization States incoupled Ni80Fe20 Bi-ring Nanostructures, New.J. Phys, 12, 093003 (2010).

  4. Ren Y. * , Zuo Y. L. , Si M. S. , Zhang Z. Z., Jin Q. Y. , and Zhou S. M.CorrelationBetween Ultrafast Demagnetization Process and Gilbert Damping in AmorphousTbFeCo FilmsIEEE trans. Magn., 49, 3159-3162 (2013).

  5. Ren Y.*, Singh N. and Adeyeye A. O., The angular dependence of magnetizationreversal in coupled elongated Ni80Fe20 nanorings,J.Appl.Phys. 113, 17A335 (2013) .

  6. Ren Y. *Zhang Z. Z.T. Min.Jin Q. Y., Role of the Heat Sink Layer Ta forUltrafast Spin Dynamic Process in Amorphous TbFeCo Thin Films, SPIN, 7,1740003 (2017).

  7. Ren Y. *, WangY., He X.D., Adeyeye A.O. Switching fields and theirdistributions in rounded-rectangle [Co/Pd]8 nanodots and nanoringswith identical configuration, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 452 , 141–144(2018).

  8. Zhao B. C., Xue H. W., Wu G. J., Zhu Z.D. , Ren Y. *, Jin Q. Y.,and Zhang Z. Z.*Interlayer modulation on the dynamicmagnetic properties of L10 -FePt/NM/[CoNi]5 composite filmstructures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 062401 (2019).

  9. He X., Wu G. , Zhao B., Zhang L.L, ZhouX., Liu Z., Ren Y. *, Cao J., XiL. , Zuo Y., Yao J., Jin Q.Y., Zhang Z.Z*, Role of magnetostrictive effectin magnetization dynamics of SmFe thin films, Appl. Phys. Exp. 12, 123002(2019).

  10. He X.D., ZhangL.L, Wu G.J , Gao J. W., Ran P., Sajjad M., Zhou X., Liu Z., Cao J., Xi L. ,Zuo Y., Ren Y. *, Wang Y.,Adeyeye A.O. Controllableintrinsic Gilbert damping in Pt buffered [Co/Ni]n multilayers withenhanced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, J. Magn. Magn.Mater., 519 , 1167429 (2021).


  1. 一种磁性器件及制备方法,第一发明人:任杨专利号ZL201610199587.2 2018年授权)

  2. 垂直磁各向异性磁性纳米点阵列器件、制备方法及其应用,第一发明人:任杨专利号 201710301626X2019年授权)

  3. 复合多层磁性纳米环阵列存储器件及其制备方法和应用,第一发明人:任杨专利号ZL201910874078.92021年授权)